NexAir’s Trade In Promotion allows pilot/owners a hassle-free and effective path to upgrading your panel and at the same time trading in legacy equipment
How to take advantage of NexAir’s Trade In Promotion:

Step 1: Which model GNS do you currently have installed? Have you seen our Trade-in-program?

Step 2: Decide between two state-of-the-art companies offering the latest touchscreen GPS/NAV/COM stacks – Garmin GTNs or Avidyne IFDs.

Step 3: Call NexAir for a fly-away quote and let’s get you on the schedule!
IFD Upgrade

The IFD540 & IFD440 represent the next generation in FMS/GPS/NAV/COM systems. Each provides VHF communication and SBAS/LPV precision navigation and are designed to meet the accuracy and integrity requirements for ADS-B as part of the NextGen airspace initiative. As plug-and play replacements for legacy systems, the IFD540 & IFD440 each share the same basic functionality in large and compact display formats respectively. Learn more »
✓ Hybrid Touch | ✓ Plug-n-Play Replacement | ✓ FMS Preview |
✓ Made by Pilots, for Pilots | ✓ Flight Training | ✓ Radio Tuning |
IFD Pricing
GNS 430/430W to IFD 440*![]() 430 → 440: $14,500 430W → 440: $13,000 | GNS 430/430W to IFD 540*![]() 430 → 540: Call 430W → 540: Call | GNS 530/530W to IFD 540*![]() 530 → 540: $18,000 530W → 540: $16,500 |

GTN Xi Upgrade
Packed full of powerful avionics, the GTN 750Xi/650Xi is a fully integrated GPS/NAV/COMM solution. The 6-in.-tall system’s intuitive touchscreen controls and large display give you unprecedented access to high-resolution terrain mapping, graphical flight planning, geo-referenced charting, traffic display, satellite weather and much more. Learn more »
✓ Touch and Go | ✓ Navigate Easily |
✓ Communications is a Breeze | ✓ Add ADS-B Traffic & Weather |
✓ Terrain Mapping & Situational Awareness | ✓ Cockpit Connectivity |
GTNXi Pricing
GNS 430/430W to GTN 650Xi*![]() 430 → 650 Xi: $14,000 430W → 650 Xi: $12,500 | GNS 430/430W to GTN 750Xi*![]() 430 → 750 Xi: Call 430W → 750 Xi: Call | GNS 530/530W to GTN 750Xi*![]() 530 → 750 Xi: $19,500 530W → 750 Xi: $18,000 |
* Prices include installation (for most GA aircraft). Please call for a personalized quote. GNS430 trade-in must be part number 011-00280-10. GNS530 trade-in must be part number 011-00550-10. Trade-in values are subject to evaluation and must be in proper working order. Note: Repair to Garmin 430/530s is limited which may cause trade-in value to go down.