Avionics Upgrades
It’s new and you want it. We get that — in fact, we get that request all the time, and we’re happy to help. From basic slide-in / slide-out exchanges, to upgrades that may also require a new circuit breaker and antenna, NexAir can help you make incremental improvements to your panel. After all, you may love almost everything about your panel, but you’d also like to take advantage of all the new touchscreen candy in the store. Right now there are lots of great products ready to make your flying easier, more enjoyable, and safer. Reach out to NexAir today and get the conversation started.
Shown below are some the most popular single-box, touchscreen upgrades that are delighting NexAir customers.
Troubleshooting & Repairs

We have the licensed, experienced avionics technicians and certified test equipment needed to rapidly troubleshoot and repair your avionics. As an authorized dealer for dozens of today’s leading brands, we have access to current test and repair protocols for everything from simple VOR displays to the most advanced integrated touchscreen flight decks. We’ll accurately diagnose the problem before spending money replacing components. And when you do need to repair, overhaul or replace an item, we’ll work with our extensive supply chain to source or service your equipment with a minimum of downtime.
Software Updates

NexAir can evaluate your current revision levels and suggest software updates that are appropriate to your flying. Today’s avionics are continuously being enhanced through software updates that add new features, functionality, compatibility, or regulatory compliance. Some avionics offer tiered levels of performance, allowing you to buy in at one level, then expand by adding additional capabilities, such as synthetic vision, when your needs or budget allow. For avionics maintenance, service bulletins outline what’s available, what’s optional, and in some rare cases, what’s mandated by an AD.
Hardware Updates

NexAir can help you find and implement the hardware updates for your existing equipment that make sense for your flying. Some avionics can be improved through hardware updates that add new features, functionality, compatibility, or regulatory compliance. The Garmin GTX 330 transponder is a perfect example. When first offered, the 330 and even the 330-ES did not meet the regulatory requirements needed to support ADS-B compliance. But an update is available that will convert your current 330 to the ADS-B compliant GTX 330-ES, or Extended Squitter version. For older 330-ES transponders, a free update is available to bring your 330-ES into full compliance with the ADS-B mandate (some labor and handling charges will apply). The same is true of the remotely mounted GTX 33.
“VFR” Certification
14 CFR 91.413 – ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections
Your transponder has to be tested every 24 months. This is your basic “VFR certification.” NexAir can provide this service at any of our fixed locations, or if you’re AOG due to a certification lapse, we can visit your hangar with our Mobile Service Van and provide on-site testing and certification services.
“IFR” Certification

14 CFR 91.411 – Altimeter System and Altitude Reporting Equipment Tests and Inspections
If you fly IFR, your Pitot Static System, Altimeter, VSI, and Altitude Encoder Reporting System have to be tested and certified every 24 months. This is your basic “IFR certification.” NexAir can provide this service any of our fixed locations, or if you’re AOG due to a certification lapse, we can visit your hangar with our Mobile Service Van and provide on-site testing and certification services.