Founded On the Principles of Innovation, Convenience, Performance, Value and Service
Our Philosophy: The NexAir AIR Program™
Digital technology has transformed general aviation. From multi-probe EGT with 1-second data logging to WAAS GPS LPV approaches, the information (as opposed to “data”) now presented in our cockpits was simply unimaginable a decade ago. As a result, pilots are better informed and therefore able to make better decisions. How can pilots like you make the best use of all of this information? That question is the heart of the NexAir AIR Program (Aircraft Integration and Reengineering Program).
Quality is Not the Same as Quantity

The NexAir AIR Program is the core strategy of how we reengineer the cockpit around the pilot, revolutionizing the digital age of aviation.
A cockpit is an intense, compact environment. Compare an automobile dashboard to a typical GA panel and what do you notice? Two things are fundamental to a great human-to-machine relationship: (1) you have access to all of the most crucial information and (2) that information is logically presented in the right places and at the right time so that you can make informed and timely decisions without information overload. Think of it as the Goldilocks principle; not too much, not too little, but just the right amount of information to support each phase of flight.
Designing Around You
What are the right components for a panel? How that question is answered is the key to the NexAir AIR Program and what sets NexAir apart from every other avionics installer.
First, it’s vital to select and install components that reflect the pilot’s needs in the cockpit. Our goal is personalize the cockpit in order to match your style of flying and the panel’s layout to give you the information you need, when and how you need it. And secondly, those components have to work well with one another.
How do you fly, really fly? This is more than a “what kind of trips do you take?” question. It’s about what kind of information do you need, and, in what frequency and order? What’s your flying style in terms of cockpit management? How do you record clearances and reroutes? Do you move your seat back during cruise? Are you left-handed? Near-sighted? Do you have a powered headset? Those, and many others, are the kinds of questions that NexAir Founder and General Manager, Dave Fetherston, will take you through in order to get a thorough understanding of your needs as a pilot.
Your answers will translate to a general panel design configuration that is ergonomically and intuitively attuned to your needs as pilot in command, dramatically reducing workload and increasing overall safety and efficiency.
Understanding Digital

The digital components in today’s panels are remarkably complex and highly sophisticated. Each “box” has its strengths as well as its own personality “quirks.” Some work really well with one another, others less so; and that includes components from the same manufacturer. The compatibility issues may be small and hard to fathom but can have serious consequences. Fortunately when you work with Dave, you get thirty years worth of experience in the avionics industry.
As an engineer, Dave really understands digital. He has exhaustive knowledge of what a unit is capable of doing and how well; even things that aren’t in the user’s manual (which explains why he often gets phone calls from the engineers at the major manufacturers asking him for help on technical issues).
This type of industry knowledge allows you to avoid the mistake of purchasing and installing box A (which you had had your heart set on), tied to box B (which would be a technical disaster), versus just buying box C (which costs more to buy, but less to install and which has lower life cycle database costs).
This depth of industry knowledge can only be acquired through years of experience, allowing your panel to be more efficient, more powerful, as well as being easier and more fun to fly with. A concept NexAir Avionics uses to make… Smarter Planes. Smarter Pilots.™